
To create an all round developed student it is necessary to stress not only on mental but also on physical qualities.

N.V.S. strongly believes in the fact that a true sportsman possesses the quality of head and heart . To promote this, the sports facilities provided are the best in the town. There are two playgrounds for football and cricket. The school boasts of two basket ball courts and a tennis court. We also have a magnanimous sports complex which houses indoor basket ball and badminton courts, a squash court as well as table tennis equipments

A four hundred meter track round the playground provides training for athletes who compete for various track and field events . Shot put and discuss throw are also popular Indoor games where as badminton table tennis, carom and chess also find keen participation.

To round off, there are picturesque hills round our school where students often go on treks.

All students get an opportunity to participate in one sport or another and remain physically fit.