
School doesn’t end when the bell rings on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2:20 P.M. As a matter fact, for most students, that’s when the fun actually begins! NVS offers a wide range of extracurricular activities and enriching clubs for its students.

The club provides opportunities for students to enjoy their hobbies, improve particular skills and discipline themselves in the process. For many students clubs are even more important as a way to get to know students in different classes and thus gaining in the process a sense of belonging at Nath Valley.

Indeed, the clubs of our school have lived up to the school’s mottos-Learning with Pleasure, Excellence in education, Nothing but the best, World citizens ….. Extra curriculum especially in the form of clubs is focused on bringing about the complete development of a child’s personality. Here at NVS, excellence and perfection, truth and knowledge, good social behavior…..everything is important.

All the students are encouraged to participate in any of the many clubs. Every club teacher formally introduces her club to let the students know about the activities in store for them at the beginning of the year.

Some of them, for e.g. “Software club” stresses on the fact that with information technology being a buzzword and technology changing so fast, the computer club hopes to teach new and interesting software to students. Many other clubs cater to building up child’s aptitude, reasoning and interest in various subjects. Children gain knowledge in various fields through experimentation, practical observations, and indoor and outdoor activities. It is our endeavor to impart basic general knowledge to the students enhancing their IQ levels through audio visuals and many a times personal visits to places of interest, breaking the monotony of classroom learning.

The clubs provide a unique opportunity to interact with their counter parts and exchange ideas through elocutions, extempore, dramatics, debates etc. thereby enhancing their verbal and written communication skills. The emphasis is on creative thinking, improvement of the oratory skills, power of expressions, clarity, diction, pronunciation, presentation skills etc.

These clubs educate students beyond the regular school day and provides times and memories that makes their schooling an enjoyable part of their life, develop personal interest while re-enforcing a strong sense of self-esteem.

Thus club day is one of the most important events of our school calendar which not only entertains the staff and the students but gives those students a platform to exhibit their talents which they’ve acquired being a member of a particular club. This reiterates the fact that NVS believes in giving equal opportunity and weightage to academics as well as to extracurricular activities and prepare a child to face the world with confidence and competence. Many of the items prepared by the various branches of the Art club throughout the year are displayed in the Art exhibition.

The club day is celebrated with great zeal and fervor. The Inter house debate is conducted first by the chairperson of debate club, our Director, Mr. Dass. Debaters present their points for and against the topic with excellent and interesting speeches. Judges who are the experts in their fields are invited. Other programs include a drama, interhouse quiz etc. followed by prize distribution ceremony in which the project prizes of various subjects and club prizes are given to the students. The Club Day, a much-awaited day ends with a satisfaction in every heart and a smile on every face.