Facilities include health related facilities such as a routine medical examination, including eyes and dental checkups. The school has a physician on call for minor ailments. In case of serious illness students will be admitted to a hospital and the local guardian / parents will be informed immediately. All cost will be billed to the parents.
Nutritious and healthy vegetarian meals is served in the School Cafeteria. Students must not keep large quantities of packaged foods (e.g. Chips) in their rooms. The hostel also has computers connected to the internet so that students can be in touch with their parents through email.

In order to keep a proper atmosphere in the hostel, strict discipline is maintained. Community living can be a Pleasure if it is orderly, therefore, the following set of rules must be observed, besides the general rules. Repeated acts of indiscipline or a serious act of indiscipline will result in expulsion from the school and hostel. If a student is expelled, no refund of fees will be given.
Students must not bring expensive watches, tape-recorder, gold chains, and radios to school. All articles brought to School including clothes must be marked. A list of clothing and other required articles will be given at the time of admission. Parents / Guardians must not make arrangements with local shops, hotels or restaurants to provide their sons / wards with goods.
Boarders are not permitted to bring medicine pills etc. to School without the knowledge of the Principal. No medicine should be taken without a doctor’s prescription. All medicines will be kept with the hostel - parent.
Students will not be allowed to call or receive calls during School time except in emergency. They may receive calls during the weekend.
1. | Parents should ask for weekend leave at least ten days in advance. |
2. | Students will be permitted to leave the school only after completing a permit sheet in triplicate indicating time of going out, the time of returning, and the address of the parent or friend with whom the boy is spending the leave. |
3. | Students may visit only parents and those relations and friends whose full address and details are in the Principal’s register. |
4. | Permission to leave the campus will only be given on the last weekend of every month after 5.15 p.m. on Friday. |
5. | Boarders must return by 6.00 p.m. on Sunday evening. |
6. | On no account is a hostellite permitted to leave School without proper permission. If anybody "Breaks Bounds" i.e. Leaves without permission, he/she is liable for expulsion from the School. Parents are requested to try and avoid visiting their wards during the working week. |
7. | Parents will receive timely notice of the date on which the School closes for the Diwali, Summer and Winter holidays. All Students must go home for the vacations. Arrangements for travel must be made by the parents or local guardians. All Boarders must arrive at School one day before the School reopens. |